Selling Your Business: Where to Start
When It Is Time You know when you look like our friend here, it is time to exercise your business exit plan. If that plan includes selling your business, you need to be aware of a few things before you start. Where to Start? Selling a business is a large undertaking. It is best to start with hiring a GREAT Business Sales Professional! I want to be clear about this, Real Estate Agents are NOT Business Sales Professionals. They are trained to assign value to the Real Property only and post that as the total asking price. By no means am I hating on Real Estate Agents. They have their place in our communities and are fantastic with selling real property. They are just NOT the professional needed for selling a business. To select a GREAT Business Sales Professional, you should be aware of the 3 types. The Driven Professional : This Professional is "Driven" to sell your business as quickly as possible. He/She works 12-16 hours a day on your listing, talking to buyers, and promot...