
Showing posts from January, 2023

Selling Your Business: Where to Start

  When It Is Time You know when you look like our friend here, it is time to exercise your business exit plan. If that plan includes selling your business, you need to be aware of a few things before you start.  Where to Start? Selling a business is a large undertaking. It is best to start with hiring a GREAT Business Sales Professional! I want to be clear about this, Real Estate Agents are NOT Business Sales Professionals. They are trained to assign value to the Real Property only and post that as the total asking price. By no means am I hating on Real Estate Agents. They have their place in our communities and are fantastic with selling real property. They are just NOT the professional needed for selling a business. To select a GREAT Business Sales Professional, you should be aware of the 3 types. The Driven Professional : This Professional is "Driven" to sell your business as quickly as possible. He/She works 12-16 hours a day on your listing, talking to buyers, and promot

Fiscal Fuel for Small Businesses

  The Fight Right now, in the US Small Businesses are in a fight for their lives. No, I am not overdramatizing for affect it is a fiscal fight for most Small Businesses to keep their doors open. These are the businesses all around you that carry the goods and services you have grown to depend on. The small family restaurant down the street, the CPA you trust and rely on, and many more. We all know of at least one business we loved that has recently shut the doors in our community. It is mostly because the Fiscal Fuel ran out and there was nowhere for that Business Owner to turn for help, at least that they knew of. 80% of our friends and neighbors who own Small Businesses can’t just run down to the bank and get a loan to keep up with the ever-changing Fiscal Landscape in the United States. It has nothing to do with Credit Score in most cases, generally speaking it is about collateral. The local bank typically needs to retain assets to ensure repayment of the loan. These assets must

10 Myths About ERTC (Employee Retention Tax Credit) Explained

  These are only the top 10 Myths heard regularly by any person offering ERTC services. This is not a comprehensive list. The explanations are understanding of WCO Business Solutions of the basic of this tax code. The Code itself is over 80 pages of circumstances and a Professional Tax Accountant or CPA should be consulted to complete the 941 Payroll Tax Amendments required to claim this credit. There will be a link at the end of this PDF if you wish to pursue this credit.   Myth 1: “My Business is NOT eligible because we made a profit during the pandemic.” Truth: Really that is not a deciding point for this credit. A Business can turn a profit during the pandemic and still be eligible. A decrease in Gross Revenue is just that DECREASE. That doesn't mean the business was not profitable, it means they saw a decrease in GROSS REVENUE.                 50% Decrease in Gross Revenue in 2020 as compared to same quarter in 2019                 20% Decrease in Gross Revenue in 20